Vray Water Texture settings & what they do-
"Height multiplier" is equivalent to "Wave Height" in HOT;
"Resolution" in HOT is specified with the power of 2, but is the same in both;
"Patch size" is similar to the "Size" attribute, but you should modify the Repeat U/V of the placement node to get the same effect;
"Choppy multiplier" - controls the choppiness, should be the same as HOT's "Choppiness" (the values are different, thought);
"Rate" - controls the speed of the animation;
"Seed" - seed for the random generator. VRayWater and HOT use different generators, so you can't expect to have exactly the same results;
"Wind direction" waves perpendicular to the direction (relative to the UV space) are removed;
"Wind magnitude" - "Wind speed" in HOT;
"Wind direction multiplier" - controls the effect of the wind direction. The values are from 0.0 to 1.0 (0.0 means direction is ignored);
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Surface Shader in Vray
For a surface shader in Vray. Apply texture to a Vray Mtl node and hook that material into the Vray Mtl Wrapper.
Vray Textures with alpha in one
I need to remember this.
To have a single image which contains Color as well as the alpha channel. One must create the mask and invert the mask in the channels segment in photoshop. Save that out as a tiff with layers and alpha and it will hook it up automatically without any reverse nodes.
Please remember to add the gamma input to de-gamma the color texture for linear workflow.
To have a single image which contains Color as well as the alpha channel. One must create the mask and invert the mask in the channels segment in photoshop. Save that out as a tiff with layers and alpha and it will hook it up automatically without any reverse nodes.
Please remember to add the gamma input to de-gamma the color texture for linear workflow.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Facing Ratio for Ramp falloff reflection
I am surprised at how many times in my life I've forgotten something so simple. Throwing an image up so I have a place to look at this silly node layout.
facing ratio,
reflection amount,
sampler info
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Triple Switch in Maya
Triple switch for variance in color such as grapes. This tutorial is aged but it sure seems that nothing much has changed since.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Maya Mental Ray Flicker Free
I've been documenting about how to handle Vray flicker free and completely forgot about the process that helped me do flicker free work in MentalRay. It is quite sad given how much time I invested and how confident I got.
Well, the industry has moved on and seem to have built on that whole concept with write ups and all so I'll just tap on that to relearn. Flicker free, perfect for architecture visualization renders and now with the subset node, to handle the dynamic stuff. Awesome
A chunck of really helpful info from the above link so I can get my renders going quick
"To create a Frozen FG map, define a map first in the Final Gather File field (an extension name doesn't matter, though I use .fgmap), then enable the Preview Animation mode in the Preview section of the Options tab of the Render Settings. Preview Animation will render out your scene but won't save files in this case. You'll ONLY be calculating the FG map for your main rendering camera. To set the renderer to render only the FG pass, under the Features tab, set the Render Mode to Final Gathering Only. Image sampling (anti-aliasing and such) settings don't matter and will have no effect, since FG is being rendered only. Then under the Common tab, set the By frame attribute to a setting such as 10, or 5, there usually isn't a need to render every frame for the FG map, unless the camera view is covering a massive change per frame. Keep in mind that the pixel resolution of the image does matter, so you'll need to set that to your target output pixel resolution, also under the Common tab. Now render the current frame and Mental Ray will calculate the FG data for the length of the animation. Remember to switch Rebuild to Freeze and unhide any objects (such as your characters/creatures) you didn't want in the frozen FG solution when you're ready to render again. Here's a quick explanation on the Rebuild modes in Final Gather:
Rebuild On: Overwrites the FG map on every render, and with each frame advance at render-time.
Rebuild Off: Appends (adds) FG points to the map, as needed, without overwriting it.
Rebuild Freeze: Reads from the FG map, doesn't overwrite nor append anything to it.
Rebuild On: Overwrites the FG map on every render, and with each frame advance at render-time.
Rebuild Off: Appends (adds) FG points to the map, as needed, without overwriting it.
Rebuild Freeze: Reads from the FG map, doesn't overwrite nor append anything to it.
final gather,
maya 2010,
mental ray
Thursday, June 16, 2011
I am a fucking moron, and each time I am lazy and do not take notes here. Whatever I learnt will be as if it never happened. *I've completely wiped from my head how to deal with flicker free animation in MentalRay
*note to self.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Applying Aim Constraint to multiple groups at once
string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
for ($tmp in $sel) {
aimConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -weight 1 -aimVector 0 1 0 -upVector 0 1 0 -worldUpType "vector" -worldUpVector 0 1 0 Locator $tmp;
items in italics can be edited to suit requirement. "Locator" = name of target to orient towards.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Import Maya Camera to After Effects
To import Maya information from Maya to After Effects.
Be sure to set the frame rate to be identical to the After Effects Scene file.
Camera1 seems to work and I am sure the basic names work but no perspective & orthographic cameras.
To bake camera animation go to Edit -> Keys -> Bake Simulation and make sure the camera is not under any group nodes. If not use the constraint keys and bake the new camera.
Nulls can be named NULL, null or Null.
Upon export, select on the camera and relevant nulls that are to be used and export that as a .ma file.
Maya 2010, After Effects CS5
Be sure to set the frame rate to be identical to the After Effects Scene file.
Camera1 seems to work and I am sure the basic names work but no perspective & orthographic cameras.
To bake camera animation go to Edit -> Keys -> Bake Simulation and make sure the camera is not under any group nodes. If not use the constraint keys and bake the new camera.
Nulls can be named NULL, null or Null.
Upon export, select on the camera and relevant nulls that are to be used and export that as a .ma file.
Maya 2010, After Effects CS5
camera export,
maya 2010,
null export
Monday, April 4, 2011
Linear Workflow for Vray
Discussions about linear workflow specifically for V-ray.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
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